Archive for the 'firearms' Category


Blocking Vaccine Mandates

I am happy to see the blocking of vaccine mandates from big companies and service providers who are in bed with government to force vaccine mandates on The People.

It would be different if a company was some independent business, run by a little old lady with comorbidities who was fearful of getting COVID. That’s a completely different scenario, and I’m not talking about that kind of situation. I’m talking about the Big Businesses who have been propped-up by regulations, taxes, impact fees, favored status, sweetheart deals, government interference in the marketplace, etc., to the (purposeful) detriment of their competitors.

I am opposed to those Big Businesses who are towing the official government line–as repayment and service to their protective masters–and trying to force-feed an unwanted vaccine to us during a government-induced economic collapse and scarcity environment. Those companies have benefitted from government keeping their competition at bay–or shutting them down and destroying them, altogether–for the reasons we are now understanding: fewer alternatives to run to, to avoid losing your livelihood.

I am not against profit–not by any stretch of the imagination; I am against some companies making record profits due to government locking down their competitors. They are in bed with government, and they are more than happy to try to force government’s will upon us, acting as government agents. They are tools of government, and should be treated as such.
If “My body, my choice!” is good for even one single thing, it is good for anything and everything else–including DNA-altering vaccines. (FYI: Genetically-modified organisms are patentable, and can be owned, according to government. Just letting you know how they are viewing this.)

Screw the government, and screw these companies who are acting as government’s enforcement wing!

People are pushing back, and I am glad to see that the spirit of resistance is still alive and well!


An Open Letter to DC Comics

A personal opinion and plea:

First of all, let me say that I love collecting comic books–especially your Batman series–and I love a lot of other nerdy and geeky things. I have a lot of it in my playroom (my “happy place.”)

Because I have a love for these types of things, I want them to be readily available so that I can enjoy them, but if you don’t learn a lesson from Marvel Comics (owned by Disney), I fear you will end up down the same path of failure.

For the last 2 or 3 years, Marvel Comics has experienced a significant drop in sales of their comic books. Do a web search for “marvel comics sales down” and look at what pops up.

According to ICv2, a Marvel-hosted meeting between Marvel Comics, retailers and distributors got ugly and had to be shut down, during last October’s NY Comic Con. The reason? From what I have seen posted on,,,,, etc., and from talking with other comic book fans, it seems I’m not the only one feeling that Marvel Comics has been shooting themselves–and their business partners–in the ‘foot’ by engaging in the practice of embedding biased, political messages in their stories, along with unnecessary–and unwanted–character changes, simply for diversity and political correctness.

We get bombarded by political crap from every direction, every day. We get it from cop shows, nightly news, sitcoms, radio, magazines, comedians, billboards, movies, street signs, books, newspapers…you name it. Most of the comic books fans I have spoken with don’t want politics, indoctrination and preaching in their comic books.

Comics are escapism. Leave it that way!

Disney also experienced backlash with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Box office receipts were down by a few percentage points, and Chinese theaters even pulled the movie after only two weeks, because of poor ticket sales.

Personally, this is the first time I did not go to see a Star Wars movie multiple times–and I am saddened, and a little angered, by that.

In the Star Wars movie, there were quite a few PETA-style embedded messages, along with what seemed to be “evil rich people get what they deserve” kind of nonsense. The setting even felt like they shoehorned it into the movie, with obvious intent.

Marvel Comics is now about to do a reboot on their comics, called “Fresh Start,” from what I’ve been told. Apparently, they plan to try to fix things and bring “lapsed readers” back to their books. (I’ll believe it when I see it!)

I used to spend a LOT of money on comics, each week. For the last couple of years, I have bought just a few books, here and there. I dropped every single one of my subscriptions for Marvel Comics–and most of my DC Comics subs, too. Now, I mainly collect the Batman title, and one or two other books that might catch my eye once in a while–and I know of others who have done the same. That’s a big loss, for both Marvel Comics and DC Comics.

Now, I’m rethinking my Batman subscription–and that’s painful!

In the last couple of DC Animated movies I watched, there was a lot of “climate change” (discredited junk-science) and “green” nonsense embedded in the stories. Now, with the new Poison Ivy story arc in the Batman book, it’s a new story about “the green” and forced world peace. (What is this, a Batman comic or a Miss USA Pageant?)

DC Comics, please…STOP! Just stop.

It’s gotten to the point where if I see Poison Ivy or Swamp Thing in a new story, I want to leave the book on the shelf, because it’s a pretty good bet that you guys are going to use them for another political message–and I refuse to pay my hard-earned money for that! You can keep the preaching, indoctrination and political nonsense to yourselves.

When comics cease to be fun and entertaining, they stop ending up in my collection. I have standards.

Please, PLEASE change course, before you end up like Marvel Comics! I want nothing more than for you all to be successful, because I want to continue to read amazing stories about my favorite characters.

The Bat/Cat engagement stuff was very entertaining–until Ivy showed up, that is.

The Justice League’s “Darkseid War” from 2 or 3 years ago (The New 52) was one of the best story arcs I had read in a long time. The Fabok art was absolutely AMAZING! Give us more of that stuff.

Here’s a novel idea: Create some new characters! That way, the old, beloved characters can remain as they have been–and their longtime fans can remain happy–while adding something new to the mix, for those who would appreciate something different. Just, please, leave the embedded messages out of the picture. (Thank you!)

So, here’s to the future of great comics…EXCELSIOR!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)


Lessons Government Officials Should Learn From Charity Baseball Game Shooting

On Wednesday, June 14, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, and four others, were shot at a Republican congressional baseball practice, by a gunman who appeared to have targeted Republican members of Congress. The alleged shooter–James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, who is reported to have been a disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter–died following a shootout with police.

The Capital Police were only there, because a high-ranking official (Scalise) was in the group, practicing. If he hadn’t been there, with the armed detail, the situation could have been even worse.

‘Joe Six-Pack’ can’t afford, and is not allowed, to have an armed security detail follow him everywhere he goes, but these elitist government officials have access to such. That’s just another example of Animal Farm, in my opinion.

But I digress.

One witness said the scene was like being in Iraq without a weapon.

Sen. Rand Paul said it would have been a massacre if the Capital Police (people with firearms) hadn’t been there.

Sen. Chuck Schumer said that if it hadn’t been for the Capital Police (people with firearms), there would have been no one there to stop the gunman.

That’s right, because ridiculous gun control laws–and a court system that seems to love to prosecute people for self-defense–get in the way of people being able to protect themselves!

Wouldn’t it have been awesome if a bunch of peaceful* people, who were carrying concealed firearms, had taken this guy out from the start of his rampage? I have to wonder how many of those five injured people would have gotten out unscathed.

And wouldn’t it have been awesome if the gunman had decided not to risk shooting anyone, in the first place, because he would have known anyone around him could have been “packing” a firearm?

I hate to say it, but this is a case of reaping what you sow.

You want to limit self-defense, Government officials? Well, self-defense was also limited for you, because of it. You paid a high price, because of gun control nonsense.

There is a lesson to be learned, though: Now is a great time to eliminate gun control that gets people shot and killed!



*I absolutely detest, and completely disagree with, having to get a government-issued Permit (permission) to carry a concealed firearm for protection. Having gotten that off my chest and out of the way, statistics show that concealed carry permit holders cause less crime than even police officers.


State of the Union 2016

in my opinion, Donald Trump is a Fascist. Ted Cruz wants a theocracy, and to basically renew the Crusades. Marco Rubio is the face of the Establishment. Hillary Clinton is an elitist Limousine Liberal. Bernie Sanders is an absolute idiot Communist, who knows jack squat about economics.

Congratulations, USA. This is what all of your cowardice, coveting, entitlement mentality, dumbing down and social engineering has gotten you.

You have allowed Masters to rise up and control every aspect of your life–and then you turn around and shout “freedom!” and “USA! USA!” while those same Masters laugh at you–all the way to the bank. You can’t possibly think that all of the deficits, wars, taxing and regulating all of our industry to a point where the employers flee, and forcibly doing ‘this’ and ‘that’ to one another would ever lead to peace and prosperity.

And if you are looking for someone to blame, you only need look in the mirror.

You starve, and barely scrape by, while your government sends billions of dollars that were forcibly taken from you, in the form of taxes, to other countries–to bribe them, to go along with US-favored politics.

You now live in a society where your every purchase, email, phone call and text message is monitored by government. Even your laptop cameras and microphones can be turned on, remotely, by government, without your knowledge or consent, because you might be a terrorist–and “terrorism” is the favored excuse for government to use for all manner of power-grabs, these days.

Over half of police resources are used to kidnap and cage people who have done nothing more than smoke a leaf that government said was forbidden.

Government even tells you what types of light bulbs you will be allowed to use–and you still think you’re free?

The FDA has approved every single prescription drug that has maimed, killed or otherwise harmed someone, yet you see “These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA…” disclaimers on health supplement bottles. They have pushed the toxic stuff through, but can’t be bothered with vitamins and herbal remedies?

When cops break the law, or kill someone, they get put on paid leave–which is nothing more than paid vacation, if we’re being honest. If you break the law, it’s a completely different outcome.

Government has taken self-defense out of our hands, and has even devised a [trial lawyer] system where businesses and citizens are afraid to defend themselves, because the criminal might sue–and win!

If you are an average citizen, nearly half of your income is forcibly taken from you, each year, in the form of taxes, fees, fines, permits and licenses. Half!

You are conditioned to believe–through TV shows, movies, video games, talk radio, news broadcasts, etc.–that without government force the world would plunge into chaos and destruction, yet you peacefully self-govern, every day.

After all that they have done to you, you still want to tell me that we need this system? If so, realize that it’s your conditioning talking, not your rational mind.

School was the first step in your conditioning process; your parents handed you over to strangers, when you were very young and impressionable, and those strangers conditioned you to believe that strangers can wield authority over you–and punish you when you disobey. Basically, your were handed over into slavery.

If the word, “freedom,” truly means anything to you, you must help to abolish the system that has allowed these would-be rulers to destroy everything good that we’ve ever known.

Most of you are angry–if the current presidential “election” climate is any indication. The only problem is that you think that you can actually change the overall scope of power by voting. Sorry, but history shows that you cannot.

The “elections” are rigged; the Powers That Be would never let something like a popular vote take away their power and money. You even see the rules-breaking and maneuvering at the Primary level, so stop putting your faith in a ballot box!

We have to begin exercising mutual respect, self-defense, community involvement and emergency preparedness. We also have to rally around each other, so that the government goons understand that if they mess with one of us, they mess with all of us! That’s the only way we can turn things around.

Stay away from the polls, and learn more about Voluntaryism(.com).

The only way we are going to truly become a civilized society is when we learn to live and let live, and stop trespassing against one another.

“Government” is the most destructive, warring, murderous, stealing, lying, corrupt organization on the planet. It has to end. Now!


Sympathy For Cops?

Today, as I was traveling through my home state, I scanned the talk radio stations in various cities as I drove through them. Every single one of the “conservative” shows I listened to–including the religious talk shows–were holding discussions on sympathy for those who many callers claimed “took an oath to serve and protect us.”

It was disgusting, listening to the nation’s slaves–who were apparently suffering from Stockholm Syndrome–talk about their slave drivers in such loving terms.

To throw some critical thinking into the mix, I attempted to call in to one of the religious shows. I sat on hold for several minutes, after I explained my position to the call screener, only to eventually be told that there was no more time to get to my call–as about a minute and a half of outro bumper music played with no talking. (I was once a radio show host. Yes, they had plenty of time.)

This week, I heard Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, Glenn Beck and more basically hold ‘sympathy for the Devil’ shows, supporting cops–and, of course, several cops called in to make us think that they are all running scared, and just regular people like you and I.

For ages, cops have thrown their weight around, and basically gotten a paid vacation (suspended with pay) when they were accused of wrongdoing. Now that the spotlight is on them, and they can’t easily get away with bullying, beating or killing, they want to whine and cry about not being treated with respect. Unbelievable!

Dan Bongino–a former Secret Service Agent and former cop–even went so far as to call people who don’t support cops “cowards,” yelling that those folks were probably too scared to defend themselves against criminals.

To Mr. Bongino, I say this: I would LOVE to be able to defend myself, as I see fit, from criminals. I would LOVE to be able to walk the streets with the means to defend myself and my family, should someone pop out from behind a bush and attempt to harm us–and history proves that when people are allowed to take responsibility for their own safety, crime goes down. But ya know what? The Government you seem to love so much has taken that freedom from me, and will probably even attempt to kidnap and throw ME in a cage, if I attempt to handle my own defense. Criminals are even suing their would-be victims, after their attempts at crime are thwarted–and many of them win! Where is the justice in that?

The true cowards in all of this are you authoritarians who want police service that you think will protect YOU–at my expense (taxation)! YOU “cowards” are the ones who are doing everything you can to make cops seem like regular people, instead of the slave drivers that they really are. YOU are the ones who only have yourselves to blame for the deaths that police officers cause on a regular basis. YOU cowards are the ones who support a system of FORCE, not freedom. YOU are the ones who are too scared to defend yourselves. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be trying so hard to defend cops. And you want to call ME a coward?

Let us also consider that the Supreme Court, long ago, determined that cops had no duty to protect civilians. The Court determined that their duty was simply to enforce the laws. That’s it. Their job isn’t to “serve and protect” YOU; it’s to serve and protect THE LAW. They are there to FORCE you to be obedient to what other people–folks who have reserved such titles as “Congressman,” “Senator,” “President,” etc.–write down on paper, controlling what you can and cannot do with your life.

Isn’t this “free” country wonderful?

Furthermore, I never contracted with these people, yet they FORCIBLY take my money to pay themselves, and to pay for things which I–and multitudes of others–do not support.

Try to go to court, to sue the government, and the courts will tell you that you have no “standing” to take action against the system.

Call your local Representative to tell him how you feel, and you will get an intern, receptionist or an answering machine.

Vote to try and change things and you will get the same thing that you have always gotten: Ever-worsening conditions. If voting actually changed anything, they would have outlawed it by now.

The system is purposely structured to make sure you can’t change it. It’s like playing Monopoly with a friend, and he starts out with all of the property cards at the beginning of the game. You can’t win.

Again, “free country,” and all that indoctrinated nonsense.

In this country, we have to get permits and licenses, which are nothing more than permission, to do just about anything important to us. We usually have to fork over our hard-earned money in order to pay for that permission, as well. I hate to break it to ya, but that’s not freedom.

We are forced to pay for permission to travel, build a house, start a business, earn a living, (in many locations) put a satellite dish on the front of our houses, etc. In many areas, we are even told what types of colors we will be allowed to paint our houses, or whether we will be allowed to have garage sales, invest our wealth, protest, have meetings in our homes, cut down a tree, park our cars in our front yards, store sofas in our garages, plant gardens or build privacy fences on our properties, sell raw milk to our friends and neighbors, add on to our houses, refuse to have harmful chemicals and metals–along with aborted fetal tissue–injected into our bodies and our children’s bodies (vaccinations), work certain types of jobs (coal mining, for instance), and so much more. Government even tells us what types of light bulbs we will be allowed to use!

And you still think you’re free? Get a clue!

People with fancy titles can write down all the laws that they want. If no one is there to enFORCE them, they don’t mean squat, and are just words written on paper. EnFORCEment does the damage and destroys freedom.

There have been a few news stories, lately, about cops being murdered. While I find it very difficult to feel sympathy for anyone who would make a career out of enslaving others, I am truly saddened to see that things have gotten to the point where people feel so angry, scared or powerless, and feel the need to kill each other in order to bring about change.

Personally, I want peace and harmony. I do not wish death on ANYONE–even those people who wear shiny badges and think they are in a special social class–but those who have chosen to become law enFORCErs are nothing more than slave drivers, and certainly do not deserve your respect or support; they deserve to be shunned and shamed. Teach your children to be strong, independent and peaceful, and get them to understand that it is not honorable to work an enFORCEment type of job.

There are surely some people who became cops thinking they would make a positive difference, but the very nature of their jobs is in direct opposition to freedom–and I will not support that, no matter how they try to justify it.

A People who use Government guns, cages and power against each other cannot claim to be “civilized”–but there are many truly civilized people in the world who are hoping that the rest of you will get there, soon, before it’s too late.


Modern Superhero Movies and their Political Statements

Being an all-things-Batman mega-fan, since I was a child, I attended the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. When I walked out of the theater, I remember feeling angry, extremely disappointed and even a little betrayed.

In my personal opinion, The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t much of a Batman movie; it was just another cop/Homeland Security movie, with a little bit of Batman sprinkled in, just so they could call it a Batman movie. They could have called the movie a different police-sounding name, and substituted a kickboxing cop for Batman, and they wouldn’t have had to modify it very much. Disgusting!

The movie was just conditioning to get you to believe that cops and Homeland Security will always be a part of your life. The Powers That Be want you to get used to it and obey–and give them even more power over your life. It was also a gross mischaracterization of, and smear against, anarchy and revolutions against tyrannical government.

After taking some time to reflect, I’ve looked back over some of the more recent “superhero” movies, and thought long and hard about the messages they seem to send–and I’m not happy about most of them.

The previous Batman movie, The Dark Knight, seemed to send this message: “Your privacy must be compromised, so the ‘good guys’ can keep you safe.”

Sorry, but that’s not a compromise I’m willing to make–and “good guys” is a very subjective term. Personally, I don’t consider anything having to do with government to be “good”–especially police.

I got this message from Iron Man 2: “You cannot be trusted with powerful weapons. Such things must be turned over to government. If you do not comply, government will take them from you.”

Sorry, Uncle Sam. In the words of Tony Stark (Iron Man), “You can’t have them!”

On the other hand, there have been some movies with a positive political message.

In the movie, The Matrix, the “Matrix” was a system run by machines that have taken over the world. Humans were kept asleep and connected to the “Matrix” system (a metaphor for government) that gave them a false reality and used their bodies as human batteries to power the machines.

A group of rebels that had been literally “unplugged” from the Matrix, and who saw the world as it truly was, were covertly attempting to free other minds from the system of control while avoiding being killed by the machines’ virtual “agents.”

If you’ve ever heard a freedom activist talk about being “unplugged from the Matrix,” or “taking the red pill” (the red pill allowed the main character, “Neo,” to wake up and sever his connection to the Matrix).

The message in The Matrix was that freedom was something worth putting your life on the line to restore.

The same message could be found in V For Vendetta.

In V For Vendetta, the lead character, “V,” was the disfigured product of evil, government experiments. Having survived, he vowed revenge against those who had experimented on him, and against the government who now ruled over the citizens with an iron fist–complete with a dictator, curfews, corrupt officials, a fabricating news organization and raping police officers.

“V” helped to transform the People from cowering citizens into folks who flooded the streets in a united rebellion against tyranny.

In the future, as you’re watching movies, be sure and look for hidden messages and meanings. Some films are nothing more than political propaganda and conditioning, while others can be very inspiring.

Pass on those that send a negative message.


Busting Liberals’ Second Amendment Chops

I recently tuned my radio to a station known for its liberal programming. While I was tuned-in, a listener who was in favor of gun control called the show to make a statement about how the Founding Fathers didn’t have assault weapons and such, when the Second Amendment to the US Constitution was penned, so those types of weapons should not be allowed in the hands of citizens.

Needless to say, I was about to lose my mind as I was listening to this guy.

I don’t support any type of government, other than self-government, and have no care for government documents, but I feel the need to speak out on this issue.

The reason for the Second Amendment was to make sure the citizens had a way of shaking off a tyrannical government, should the need arise, one day. The Founders never wanted to have to deal with despots and dictators, ever again, so the Second Amendment was their way of saying they had no intentions of ever doing so.

With that in mind, to say that citizens shouldn’t have advanced firepower is completely against the spirit of resistance spelled out in the Second Amendment. To be true to the intentions of that Amendment, the citizens should actually be in possession of greater firepower! They should have the means to beat back anything that government could throw at them! The amendment wasn’t simply about personal, everyday defense from thugs–no matter how hard liberals attempt to frame the debate in those terms.

The reason why this country is on the fast track to ruin is precisely because the People have allowed government to trample this spirit of self-defense–with required gun permits, background checks, gun and ammo bans, etc.–rendering themselves ineffective to stop tyrants and out-of-control government.

It’s time to reverse course; stock up on all the firepower you can acquire, and never let anyone disrupt your peaceful, live-and-let-live way of life. If they come for you, your family or home, get your neighbors together and show them that you aren’t going to allow it.

Self-defense is not terrorism, no matter what the tyrants and their “laws” say.


The Ron Paul Scenario

Let’s imagine, for a moment, that Ron Paul is elected President of the United States–even though we know that voting machines have been shown to be rigged with predetermined outcomes. What then?

I’ve heard some people say that Ron Paul will end all the “bad stuff,” if elected. I’ve heard that he will use Executive Orders to end the Federal Reserve, Department of Education and other “unconstitutional”  agencies and programs (doesn’t go far enough, but would be a good first step). From listening to some of the chatter, some folks are making Ron Paul out to be some kind of Messiah.

Unfortunately, it is not true and those things will never happen.

First of all, Ron Paul doesn’t believe that Executive Orders are Constitutional, so he would never use them. If he did, he would be helping to legitimize the process and open himself up to criticism from his detractors and those who do want to use them (“If you don’t believe they’re Constitutional, why are you issuing them?”), so don’t hold your breath waiting for Ron Paul to use dictatorial “stroke of the pen, law of the land” stuff anytime soon.

Second, even if Ron Paul was elected, he would be overriden by the Legislature at every turn, in the same way that Mark Sanford (former Governor of SC) had around 98% of his vetoes overriden with every new budget. Also, nearly every time Sanford wanted to push through a new idea, eliminate wasteful spending, cut taxes, consolidate agencies or eliminate redundant offices, the State Legislature pounded him from every angle, used the progressive (WIS-TV, The State Newspaper, PBS/ETV, Free Times, etc.) local media to make him look like an idiot for even asking for those things, and then boldly refused to give him what he was asking for–and it was done by both Democrats AND Republicans.

The only reason I could see for The Powers That Be to give–yes, give–Ron Paul the Presidency would be for accomplishing something like eliminating the Electoral College–something the progressives have wanted to do, for decades.

If Paul wins the “Presidential Preference” vote (public vote), the Electors are not bound to cast their votes for the popular choice (the candidate for which the public cast the most votes). If the Electors choose to cast their electoral votes to elect a different candidate, the country will come close to another civil war, with riots in the streets. The cries for eliminating the Electoral College will be heard far and wide, and the People will probably be duped into going along with it–including an increase in police power and presence to control any “civil unrest.” (Not that there should be elections for Masters, in the first place, but you get what I’m saying.)

The end result would be that the Statists have more police power and control, and the Socialist Republic of California has control of every new presidential election.

Remember: No matter who is elected, the State always wins.

In over 200 years of voting, we have only gotten higher (and more) taxes, more regulations, more currency manipulation and wealth destruction, more war, more surveillance (monitoring emails and phone calls, street cameras, tracking our cell phones, etc.), and so much more. Minor “victories,” once in awhile, keep the clueless Sheeple thinking that voting can make a difference, but history shows otherwise, so STOP VOTING! Stop legitimizing the rigged game of politics and keeping it alive! Separate yourself from it, and get “off the grid,” as much as possible.

Personally, I would actually like to see Ron Paul win, for one main reason: When his supporters watch as he is rendered completely ineffective, they will come to realize that voting accomplishes nothing but giving the People more of what they were getting, before. Even Ron Paul, himself, stated that he could “only be so independent.” At that point it will hopefully be easier for supporters of Voluntaryism ( to share the message of peace, cooperation and real freedom.

So…yay! Ron Paul 2012! Woo-hoo!


Open Letter to Government

To Whom It May Concern:

We constantly hear you say words words like “freedom” and “liberty,” yet your actions show that you have no respect for, or belief in, such things.

You have a group of people that call themselves the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Supposedly, they are working to keep us safe from contaminated foods and fake medicines, but the FDA kills people through such activities as delaying the approval of new drugs, by ten years on average.

How many people have died waiting for your FDA group to allow them to try to save themselves with new treatments? Shouldn’t it be up to the dying person to weigh the risks involved with a treatment that might save his/her life? Seems to me that your lengthy approval process is defeating its stated purpose–or maybe population reduction is your purpose.

In addition to attempts to control, water-down and/or ban dietary supplements altogether (herbal treatments, vitamins, etc.), I see state and federal officials raiding storehouses of natural (non-genetically modified, no pesticides) foods and raw milk. In one instance, alone, 50,000 pounds of unprocessed cheese was ordered destroyed—and for what purpose? I dare say the people seem much healthier than the rest of the Fast Food Nation, so why bother them? To me, it seems more about food control than protection and health.

And how many starving, homeless, malnourished people could 50,000 pounds of cheese fed? Again, your purpose is in question.

If you don’t have the freedom to decide what you will put into your own body, you have no freedom at all–and, obviously, someone else thinks they own you.

The Federal Reserve is a non-governmental corporation that magically creates fiat “money” out of thin air and then loans that created “money” to the US Government. Government then taxes the People to pay the interest on that funny “money.” It’s a brilliant plan for separating the unenlightened masses from their wealth–and it’s absolutely criminal for you to allow it to continue.

Cut all ties to the Federal Reserve. Now.

Instead of listening to what We The People have to say, and meeting our demands, you have spent billions on monitoring our Internet connections; reading what we post on social networking sites; checking what we buy in stores (through loyalty cards and credit/debit card purchases); listening in on our phone calls; tracking us through our cell phones (E911); trying to change (instead of listening to) our opinions, by planting psy-ops operatives in major media outlets; ignoring our letters and phone calls; militarizing the police against us; trying to stop us from peacefully assembling (and attacking us when we do); herding us into out-of-sight “free speech zones”; molesting us at airports in the name of some measure of safety that you cannot truly provide; arresting us for growing our own food; destroying our wealth and employment opportunities through currency manipulation and interference in the marketplace; secretly experimenting on us with drugs, radiation and biological agents; watching us with camera-equipped drone aircraft, and cameras on street corners and in neighborhoods; dumbing us down through the use of regimented education techniques and social promotion; forcing children to submit to having potentially deadly/crippling substances injected into their bodies; genetically-modifying our food, in order to find a way–among other things–to “vaccinate” us through it; instituting plans for civilian internment, and posting ads online for “Internment Specialists”; stopping us on the street to make sure we’ve paid money to the government for certain permissions (free people don’t need permission), and to see if you can extract even more wealth from us once you have us stopped…and that doesn’t even scratch the surface.

You claim that the aforementioned activities are being done in the name of fighting terrorism, but the only real terrorists I’ve ever come into actual contact with are government officials–you folks with nice offices and fancy titles, who get paid for controlling and forcibly extracting wealth from everyone else. If we refuse to comply with your orders, rules, mandates, whims and decrees, we are assaulted, kidnapped and caged. You ridicule us, insult us, steal from us and control us, but when we show our displeasure you arrest us for insulting you. That doesn’t sound like freedom, respect, or being a “public servant,” to me. Animal Farm much?

If you’re supposedly fighting terrorists because they hate our so-called “free” way of life, you can stop fighting and spending our wealth; the terrorists won that battle, a long time ago. If you really think we’re going to believe your nonsense about them bombing us because of our way of life, you’re out of your mind. We’re not as stupid as you seem to think we are–and I’m not convinced that these “terrorists” you speak of (and always at the most opportune times, for government) even exist, in the first place.

The World Trade Center buildings were destroyed on September 11, 2001. Whether or not you had a hand in it, or allowed it to happen, you used it to immediately push through the freedom-crushing PATRIOT Act and institute a Police State and surveillance society, through implementation of the Department of Homeland Security.

The world has seen a “Fatherland” and a “Motherland,” and now we have a “Homeland”–complete with parallels to Nazi Germany. How fitting.

Your  real enemy seems to be The People of the US. A government that has a higher prison population than that of all other countries, combined, cannot claim to be a friend of freedom–or its People.

Government has far outlived any initially-perceived benefit to society (not that there ever was one). It is time to abolish institutionalized slavery–government–and begin to work together for a more prosperous and peaceful coexistence. If humans cannot be trusted with governing themselves, surely they cannot be trusted with governing others–and let’s not forget that you are human, too.

In the famous words of Neo (The Matrix), “I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid; you’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see; I’m going to show them a world…without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.”


The Voting Booth – A Suggestion Box for Slaves

“If you don’t vote, you can’t complain” is one of the most ridiculous, illogical statements I’ve ever heard. The only people who rightfully can complain are those who choose not to be a part of the political process.

Many people who have decided not to vote have awakened to the realization that the people they “elect” will be expected to initiate force against their friends, family and neighbors–a criminal activity–and those non-voters have chosen not to be an accessory to crime.

To those who claim to be a part of the “freedom movement,” please understand that you shouldn’t have to band with others to petition ‘Master’ (government) for your freedom. The system’s very nature is to control; that’s what government does. So, to ask people who gravitate to positions of power and control to please not exercise power and control over you is a waste of time–actually, it’s dangerous and counterproductive.

When you cast a vote, regardless of your intentions, you are helping to perpetuate and legitimize the system. By doing so, you are giving other people–typically an unenlightened majority–the opportunity to vote for things with which you disagree. Also, the votes cast may not even be the true results, but as long as masses of people show up to the polls the outcomes can be manipulated fairly easily.

And what has voting gotten you, anyway? Do you have more freedom than you parents enjoyed? How about less taxation? A stronger economy? More opportunities for enterprise and prosperity? More privacy? Less government intrusion into your life?

Every election cycle, we hear the people cry to “Vote the rascals out!” What has that done for the country? It’s given us increased taxation, a destroyed economy, a worthless currency, more surveillance cameras, militarized police, Homeland Security, email and Internet monitoring, cellphone tracking, more required licenses and permits (permission from a pay-off), molestation of our kids and spouses at airports, more checkpoints, more wars, more invasions, more murder, more destruction, more angry world neighbors…and on and on.

Because you voted, this is what you have received–regardless of what you wanted. YOU are the only one who cannot complain, because you enabled it by participating!

Voting doesn’t ensure success, anyway, regardless of the vote total.

I’ve sat through meetings and watched government officials hear 95% of people in a room say “No!” only to watch the officials vote “yes.” They know you’ll just complain to your friends, write an angry letter to the newspaper editor (which probably won’t get printed, anyway), and post an angry status update on Facebook–and then you’ll get over it and forget, because your kid’s soccer game, or going clubbing, is more important than the risk involved with running these officials out of town. As a politician once stated, “You can complain all you want, as long as you pay your taxes.”

The only way to truly bring about change is to STOP VOTING and participating in the system. Operate outside of it, as much as possible. End all support for it. When support is gone, there will be no system left to manipulate.

And Libertarians should take note: Government is borne of an entitlement mentality. Even if you want a “small,” “limited,” or “Constitutional” government (something that has never been and never will be), you are saying that you feel entitled to some government function and you feel that others should be forced to pay for it (taxation). Sorry, but that’s a socialist mindset–certainly not freedom–and it makes you no better than the other socialists (Rs & Ds) who are destroying the country. You all want to steal and spend the wealth of others; you just differ on how much to take, from whom to take it and where it should be spent.

Break free from the Matrix. Think outside the box. Overcome your conditioning. Be what you want to see in others. And, please, stop helping to perpetuate a slavery system!

(What is government, anyway? Read this and have your eyes opened, further: )