Posts Tagged ‘system


Coronavirus Nonsense

Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the [commmon cold] flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year, but no one freaks out about that. People go to the drugstore, get some cold medicine, get some chicken soup and then go to bed. You work through it, and life goes on.

With the coronavirus, the Powers That Be were calling it a “pandemic” after 20 deaths.

There have been 95,734 reported coronavirus deaths as of April 10, 2020, since the first case of the virus was reported on Nov. 17, 2019 (6 months). Even at the lowest WHO fatality estimate for the flu, the coronavirus is on track to be nowhere near as deadly. Not even close.

The government’s ‘cure’–fear mongering, closing businesses, restricting travel, collapsing our economy, forcing people apart (stopping protest groups from forming), eliminating mom-and-pop independent business competition for Big Box stores, basically instituting martial law, loss of jobs, etc.–is unwarranted and obviously politically motivated.

Take reasonable precautions? Wash your hands? Practice good hygiene? Keep surfaces in the home clean and sanitized? Absolutely. No one says you shouldn’t play it safe.

Destroy economies? Institute martial law? Put people out of work? Make it difficult for many parents to feed their kids? Paralyze people with fear–all over something that doesn’t even compare to the common cold? Absolutely NOT!

It’s time to end the nonsense and get everything back to normal!



An Open Letter to DC Comics

A personal opinion and plea:

First of all, let me say that I love collecting comic books–especially your Batman series–and I love a lot of other nerdy and geeky things. I have a lot of it in my playroom (my “happy place.”)

Because I have a love for these types of things, I want them to be readily available so that I can enjoy them, but if you don’t learn a lesson from Marvel Comics (owned by Disney), I fear you will end up down the same path of failure.

For the last 2 or 3 years, Marvel Comics has experienced a significant drop in sales of their comic books. Do a web search for “marvel comics sales down” and look at what pops up.

According to ICv2, a Marvel-hosted meeting between Marvel Comics, retailers and distributors got ugly and had to be shut down, during last October’s NY Comic Con. The reason? From what I have seen posted on,,,,, etc., and from talking with other comic book fans, it seems I’m not the only one feeling that Marvel Comics has been shooting themselves–and their business partners–in the ‘foot’ by engaging in the practice of embedding biased, political messages in their stories, along with unnecessary–and unwanted–character changes, simply for diversity and political correctness.

We get bombarded by political crap from every direction, every day. We get it from cop shows, nightly news, sitcoms, radio, magazines, comedians, billboards, movies, street signs, books, newspapers…you name it. Most of the comic books fans I have spoken with don’t want politics, indoctrination and preaching in their comic books.

Comics are escapism. Leave it that way!

Disney also experienced backlash with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Box office receipts were down by a few percentage points, and Chinese theaters even pulled the movie after only two weeks, because of poor ticket sales.

Personally, this is the first time I did not go to see a Star Wars movie multiple times–and I am saddened, and a little angered, by that.

In the Star Wars movie, there were quite a few PETA-style embedded messages, along with what seemed to be “evil rich people get what they deserve” kind of nonsense. The setting even felt like they shoehorned it into the movie, with obvious intent.

Marvel Comics is now about to do a reboot on their comics, called “Fresh Start,” from what I’ve been told. Apparently, they plan to try to fix things and bring “lapsed readers” back to their books. (I’ll believe it when I see it!)

I used to spend a LOT of money on comics, each week. For the last couple of years, I have bought just a few books, here and there. I dropped every single one of my subscriptions for Marvel Comics–and most of my DC Comics subs, too. Now, I mainly collect the Batman title, and one or two other books that might catch my eye once in a while–and I know of others who have done the same. That’s a big loss, for both Marvel Comics and DC Comics.

Now, I’m rethinking my Batman subscription–and that’s painful!

In the last couple of DC Animated movies I watched, there was a lot of “climate change” (discredited junk-science) and “green” nonsense embedded in the stories. Now, with the new Poison Ivy story arc in the Batman book, it’s a new story about “the green” and forced world peace. (What is this, a Batman comic or a Miss USA Pageant?)

DC Comics, please…STOP! Just stop.

It’s gotten to the point where if I see Poison Ivy or Swamp Thing in a new story, I want to leave the book on the shelf, because it’s a pretty good bet that you guys are going to use them for another political message–and I refuse to pay my hard-earned money for that! You can keep the preaching, indoctrination and political nonsense to yourselves.

When comics cease to be fun and entertaining, they stop ending up in my collection. I have standards.

Please, PLEASE change course, before you end up like Marvel Comics! I want nothing more than for you all to be successful, because I want to continue to read amazing stories about my favorite characters.

The Bat/Cat engagement stuff was very entertaining–until Ivy showed up, that is.

The Justice League’s “Darkseid War” from 2 or 3 years ago (The New 52) was one of the best story arcs I had read in a long time. The Fabok art was absolutely AMAZING! Give us more of that stuff.

Here’s a novel idea: Create some new characters! That way, the old, beloved characters can remain as they have been–and their longtime fans can remain happy–while adding something new to the mix, for those who would appreciate something different. Just, please, leave the embedded messages out of the picture. (Thank you!)

So, here’s to the future of great comics…EXCELSIOR!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)


Freedom of Speech Hypocrites

I have been channel surfing through political talk radio shows, lately, and I am not surprised by the reaction that Colin Kaepernick (49ers quarterback) is receiving for his refusal to stand for the National Anthem.

All the nationalists and authoritarians are viciously attacking his character, and attempting to shame him on a national stage, in an effort to get him to change his behavior—and hopefully create a hostile environment, so that no one else gets the crazy idea of following in his footsteps. Any other time, we’d be hearing these same guys talk about all the freedom we supposedly enjoy, and “American exceptionalism.”

The nationalists have even tried to turn this incident into an issue of Kaepernick somehow disrespecting the military, because supposedly so many “people fought and died” for his freedom, and he is just defecating all over them!

First of all, why do we sing the National Anthem, and have a military procession—complete with jets flying overhead—at a football game, in the first place? I’ll enlighten you: It’s to keep you all waving your flags, and get you teary-eyed when you think of your great country—even as it is going into the tank, and your freedoms are being trampled, more and more, each day. That’s why.

Hitler would be proud, I’m sure.

But I digress.

I have heard some people say, “People fought and died for your freedom! You’d better be glad you live in a place where you can say that!”

What they are really saying is, “You piece of garbage! You are challenging my belief system, and I would prefer to live in my little box, unchallenged, where I feel that everything I believe is right and good. You can have your freedom of speech—as long as you say things that I agree with. If I could shut you up, right now, I would! You’d better be glad you live in this country, where most people tolerate such things; otherwise, I would physically assault you—and I still might, if I think I can get away with it!”

This type of behavior begs the question: If people fought and died for freedom of speech—and you revere them so much for doing so—why are you trying so hard to stop people from exercising that freedom? You must not revere them as much as you say you do, because you obviously don’t want people to use what those dead folks supposedly fought for.

I’ve got news for you: The Flag of the United States is basically a corporate logo of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (intentional caps, for all of you in the know), in the same way that the “swoosh” logo represents Nike, or the “golden arches” represents McDonald’s. People get so wrapped up in that flag, but they don’t understand its true meaning.

Contrary to what you’ve been indoctrinated to believe, the US Flag does NOT represent the people of the United States. I know you’ve all been made to feel like it does, but it does not. It represents the warring, lying, stealing, murdering, enslaving US Government.

Getting you to pledge your allegiance, when you are too young to even understand what you are doing, for example, is how nationalism indoctrination is done—and it is absolutely necessary for keeping the State in control of everything. If you lose faith, it’s over—so the Powers That Be won’t have any of that. That is why nationalism is taught, as early as kindergarten.

Government constantly lies to us; literally beats us down with their officers and agents; attempts to disarm us; takes nearly half of everything we earn each year (taxes, fees, fines, permits, licenses, etc.); keeps us in a constant state of “war”; pushes us into dividing ourselves and fighting against each other; regulates our businesses to the point where they flee the country—and take all their jobs with them; monitors everything we do and say; destroys entire industries (coal and lead, for example)—and the jobs that go along with them—with the stroke of a pen; is the single biggest reason for the increase in our healthcare costs—and I could go on and on.

Do you really expect me to pledge my allegiance to that, or stand and wave the logo that represents it, and get all mushy inside? Don’t be ridiculous!

I love the location of my birth, and most other people here, but I despise governments—all of them.

It has been said that the only speech that needs protecting is unpopular speech. Now, I’m not crazy about the wording of that statement, but I get what the person was trying to say.

If Kaepernick wants to exercise his freedom of speech, and speak out against what he feels is injustice, I support him. If not standing for the National Anthem is what he feels is necessary to get his message across, I won’t try to stand in his way—and neither should you, if you believe in real freedom.

Maybe, one day, your words may not be so popular, and you might need a little “protecting,” too.




Copyright 2016. All Rights Reserved.


When it comes to privacy, ignorance can be destructive

Let’s start off with tablet computers. Do you realize the terms to which you are agreeing, when you download an app to your phone or computing device? Have you even stopped to look?

Apps that you download require you to give them permission to access areas of your device, such as your address book or activity logs. Some apps, like those from Amazon and eBay, also require that you give them permission to access your camera and video functions.

Why does a shopping app need access to your camera and the ability to record videos? Think about it.

Other apps even go so far as to require permission to contact people in your address book, without notifying you. So, it isn’t enough that the app might send you unwanted spam or advertisements; you’ve also opened your friends up to the annoyance, as well. (Thanks, buddy!)

In addition to apps, “smart” phones and tablets–and, now, Windows 8–employ “location services.”

Location services can help you find a gas station or restaurant in your vicinity, or even help you navigate through an unfamiliar part of town–but that same GPS technology is allowing certain companies to keep a running record of everywhere you have been. They can also compare logs of other users, to see who interacted with you at those same locations, to determine who your friends and colleagues are, as well.

By scanning your location history, companies can determine that you prefer Hardee’s burgers and shopping at Macy’s department stores–or that you stop by the adult video store or strip club on your way home from work on Friday nights.

Put all the data together that can be collected from these apps and devices, and you can build a nice profile of anyone, anywhere.

It should also be noted that savvy divorce lawyers are getting phone location records to use against people in court, and the US Government has one up on the former Nazi Germany: They no longer need to ask to see “your papers, please.” Now, all they have to do is look at your location logs and social network posts to see where you’ve been, where you’re going and with whom you’re going.

Speaking of social networks, let’s talk about Facebook.

If you haven’t seen the video, below, I HIGHLY recommend that you watch it:

You may never look at Facebook the same way, again.

Next, let’s talk about monitored alarm systems and home/car controllers.

First of all, NOTHING on the Internet is secure. NOTHING. There is no such thing as 100% secure, so never let anyone tell you otherwise.

With that in mind, think about the monitored cameras you put in your homes, as part of an alarm system–cameras which are often supplied for free, by the monitoring company, to sweeten the deal.

What you may not realize is that you have basically put a camera in your house that can be watched by someone else, maybe an alarm company tech guy or a hacker.

In addition, since government has requested millions of phone location records as part of its homeland security nonsense, it is not unreasonable to think that government has also gotten court orders to monitor security cameras.

In a related story, users of Microsoft’s Kinetic camera attachment for the XBox 360 give Microsoft permission to monitor the camera (read the terms of use that you must agree to, before you install it), so you’ve basically setup a webcam for Microsoft to watch you, if they desire.

Same goes for vehicle services, such as OnStar, Blue Link, Safety Connect, etc. You basically have a GPS locator on your car and a microphone transmitter/receiver in your car. I think you know where I’m going with this, by now.

Lastly, being able to turn your car or house lights on, with your “smart” phone, is pretty convenient and cool, right?

Again, think about it; anything you can do over the Internet can be done by someone else with skills–or self-proclaimed “authority” (cops, government).


The Ron Paul Scenario

Let’s imagine, for a moment, that Ron Paul is elected President of the United States–even though we know that voting machines have been shown to be rigged with predetermined outcomes. What then?

I’ve heard some people say that Ron Paul will end all the “bad stuff,” if elected. I’ve heard that he will use Executive Orders to end the Federal Reserve, Department of Education and other “unconstitutional”  agencies and programs (doesn’t go far enough, but would be a good first step). From listening to some of the chatter, some folks are making Ron Paul out to be some kind of Messiah.

Unfortunately, it is not true and those things will never happen.

First of all, Ron Paul doesn’t believe that Executive Orders are Constitutional, so he would never use them. If he did, he would be helping to legitimize the process and open himself up to criticism from his detractors and those who do want to use them (“If you don’t believe they’re Constitutional, why are you issuing them?”), so don’t hold your breath waiting for Ron Paul to use dictatorial “stroke of the pen, law of the land” stuff anytime soon.

Second, even if Ron Paul was elected, he would be overriden by the Legislature at every turn, in the same way that Mark Sanford (former Governor of SC) had around 98% of his vetoes overriden with every new budget. Also, nearly every time Sanford wanted to push through a new idea, eliminate wasteful spending, cut taxes, consolidate agencies or eliminate redundant offices, the State Legislature pounded him from every angle, used the progressive (WIS-TV, The State Newspaper, PBS/ETV, Free Times, etc.) local media to make him look like an idiot for even asking for those things, and then boldly refused to give him what he was asking for–and it was done by both Democrats AND Republicans.

The only reason I could see for The Powers That Be to give–yes, give–Ron Paul the Presidency would be for accomplishing something like eliminating the Electoral College–something the progressives have wanted to do, for decades.

If Paul wins the “Presidential Preference” vote (public vote), the Electors are not bound to cast their votes for the popular choice (the candidate for which the public cast the most votes). If the Electors choose to cast their electoral votes to elect a different candidate, the country will come close to another civil war, with riots in the streets. The cries for eliminating the Electoral College will be heard far and wide, and the People will probably be duped into going along with it–including an increase in police power and presence to control any “civil unrest.” (Not that there should be elections for Masters, in the first place, but you get what I’m saying.)

The end result would be that the Statists have more police power and control, and the Socialist Republic of California has control of every new presidential election.

Remember: No matter who is elected, the State always wins.

In over 200 years of voting, we have only gotten higher (and more) taxes, more regulations, more currency manipulation and wealth destruction, more war, more surveillance (monitoring emails and phone calls, street cameras, tracking our cell phones, etc.), and so much more. Minor “victories,” once in awhile, keep the clueless Sheeple thinking that voting can make a difference, but history shows otherwise, so STOP VOTING! Stop legitimizing the rigged game of politics and keeping it alive! Separate yourself from it, and get “off the grid,” as much as possible.

Personally, I would actually like to see Ron Paul win, for one main reason: When his supporters watch as he is rendered completely ineffective, they will come to realize that voting accomplishes nothing but giving the People more of what they were getting, before. Even Ron Paul, himself, stated that he could “only be so independent.” At that point it will hopefully be easier for supporters of Voluntaryism ( to share the message of peace, cooperation and real freedom.

So…yay! Ron Paul 2012! Woo-hoo!


The Voting Booth – A Suggestion Box for Slaves

“If you don’t vote, you can’t complain” is one of the most ridiculous, illogical statements I’ve ever heard. The only people who rightfully can complain are those who choose not to be a part of the political process.

Many people who have decided not to vote have awakened to the realization that the people they “elect” will be expected to initiate force against their friends, family and neighbors–a criminal activity–and those non-voters have chosen not to be an accessory to crime.

To those who claim to be a part of the “freedom movement,” please understand that you shouldn’t have to band with others to petition ‘Master’ (government) for your freedom. The system’s very nature is to control; that’s what government does. So, to ask people who gravitate to positions of power and control to please not exercise power and control over you is a waste of time–actually, it’s dangerous and counterproductive.

When you cast a vote, regardless of your intentions, you are helping to perpetuate and legitimize the system. By doing so, you are giving other people–typically an unenlightened majority–the opportunity to vote for things with which you disagree. Also, the votes cast may not even be the true results, but as long as masses of people show up to the polls the outcomes can be manipulated fairly easily.

And what has voting gotten you, anyway? Do you have more freedom than you parents enjoyed? How about less taxation? A stronger economy? More opportunities for enterprise and prosperity? More privacy? Less government intrusion into your life?

Every election cycle, we hear the people cry to “Vote the rascals out!” What has that done for the country? It’s given us increased taxation, a destroyed economy, a worthless currency, more surveillance cameras, militarized police, Homeland Security, email and Internet monitoring, cellphone tracking, more required licenses and permits (permission from a pay-off), molestation of our kids and spouses at airports, more checkpoints, more wars, more invasions, more murder, more destruction, more angry world neighbors…and on and on.

Because you voted, this is what you have received–regardless of what you wanted. YOU are the only one who cannot complain, because you enabled it by participating!

Voting doesn’t ensure success, anyway, regardless of the vote total.

I’ve sat through meetings and watched government officials hear 95% of people in a room say “No!” only to watch the officials vote “yes.” They know you’ll just complain to your friends, write an angry letter to the newspaper editor (which probably won’t get printed, anyway), and post an angry status update on Facebook–and then you’ll get over it and forget, because your kid’s soccer game, or going clubbing, is more important than the risk involved with running these officials out of town. As a politician once stated, “You can complain all you want, as long as you pay your taxes.”

The only way to truly bring about change is to STOP VOTING and participating in the system. Operate outside of it, as much as possible. End all support for it. When support is gone, there will be no system left to manipulate.

And Libertarians should take note: Government is borne of an entitlement mentality. Even if you want a “small,” “limited,” or “Constitutional” government (something that has never been and never will be), you are saying that you feel entitled to some government function and you feel that others should be forced to pay for it (taxation). Sorry, but that’s a socialist mindset–certainly not freedom–and it makes you no better than the other socialists (Rs & Ds) who are destroying the country. You all want to steal and spend the wealth of others; you just differ on how much to take, from whom to take it and where it should be spent.

Break free from the Matrix. Think outside the box. Overcome your conditioning. Be what you want to see in others. And, please, stop helping to perpetuate a slavery system!

(What is government, anyway? Read this and have your eyes opened, further: )


Adulthood and the Law

I have a serious problem with the so-called US Justice System’s handling of adults and juveniles.

According to, “By the year 2000 all 50 states and the District of Columbia had one or more laws permitting the transfer of youths to criminal courts to be tried as adults. Many states have also expanded these laws in order to make it easier to prosecute juveniles as adults. For example, a 1995 Missouri law removed the minimum age limit, which had been 14, for trying children as adults in cases involving drug dealing, murder, rape, robbery, and first-degree assault. The law also permits children 12 years old to be prosecuted as adults for other crimes. A Texas law allows children as young as 10 to be sentenced to up to 40 years’ incarceration.”

A 12-year-old child can be tried as an adult, and sentenced to years of imprisonment for committing certain crimes, but NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON in the “Land of the Free” United States under 21 years of age is enough of an adult to consume an alcoholic beverage, according to government. (The age limit of 21 is the highest of any country in the world, by the way, and the US has the highest prison population of any country on earth.)

A person can join the Army, and put his life on the line in war, at 17–and operate heavy artillery, assault weapons and vehicles–but is prohibited from going into a bar and having a cold beer at the end of the day.

The double standard is completely illogical and unacceptable. It is used by prosecutors to increase their number of “successfully prosecuted cases,” so they are perceived to be “tough on crime,” and used to increase the overall power of the State.

I don’t care for alcoholic beverages, or court systems, but to make a small improvement in all of this I propose a new, logical standard for determining whether or not someone is an “adult”: If the person in question is not adult enough to enjoy a few shots from a bottle of whiskey, they cannot be tried as an adult in court.

This ridiculous court practice has got to end.