Archive for February, 2009


Reality Check

I constantly hear people say that they are afraid of the police, the IRS, what the President will do while in office, afraid that taxation and regulations will drive them out of business, that they will be sued out of business due to frivolous lawsuits, that they aren’t sure that they’re jumping through all the hoops that government requires just to be able to protect their families, that there may be a new military draft instituted, that they will die waiting nearly 10 years on average for the FDA to approve a treatment that may save their life, and so much more.

I hear national talk show hosts repeatedly state that “both [major] parties” have “sold us out,” or are leading us “down the road to Hell.” Even in ads for legal services, one highly rated host mentioned that you should use the legal services being advertised on their show “to protect yourself from government.”

Isn’t it time that we finally admit that government is not a good thing? If people are living in fear, and we have the largest prison population of any country on earth–even though this is supposedly the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”–isn’t it time to admit that this was a mistake and work to abolish it?

I’m not talking about overthrowing the Establishment with violence and bloodshed. I am simply hoping that people will come to their senses and realize that we need to reverse course and peacefully deconstruct the source of our oppression.

I have heard some people say that we need government, because of human nature–but human nature is precisely why no human(s) should ever be able to forcibly control and rule over other humans, with armed armies of officers, agents and soldiers to back them up.

In human history, there has never been a limited, restrained government. Some governments have taken longer than others, but all have failed to remain limited or small. Why? Human nature.

Thomas Jefferson summed it up, quite well:

“Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural Address, 1801

Too bad Jefferson didn’t follow his own wise words.

Humans will be humans; no one suddenly becomes a saint, simply by being elected to office. In fact, power corrupts, as the old saying goes—and all of the political scandals, corruption and lies constantly reported in the news should provide ample proof.

Politicians and government officials have divided the country and tricked the people into thinking that they are justified and correct in trying to control others, for some perceived “greater good.” Sorry, but there can be no “greater good” than freedom, and government tramples all over it.

Lysander Spooner once said:

“The principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that-however bloody–can, in the nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to be a slave.”

Government officials steal from us (taxation), manipulate our currency and destroy our savings (Federal Reserve), transfer wealth from the commoners to the elite (bailouts), as well as tell us what we can say, what we can eat, where we can travel, what we can buy (and from whom), who we can marry, what we can wear, where we can build, where we can live, how we can work to feed our families, what we can read, how we can protect our families, and on and on, yet they simultaneously try to convince us that we’re free and that they are working to preserve our freedom.

Good grief, people; wake up!

And where did these people get their power, in the first place?

Some will say that “power comes from the people”—but there’s a big problem with that, when you look at everything, logically.

Being a regular person, your neighbor can’t “legally” or morally go out and break into your home, take your children because he doesn’t like you or the way you are raising your kids, steal money from your wallet or bank accounts, force you to use mercury-containing (highly toxic) fluorescent lights, tear your newly-built storage building down because you didn’t get permission (a permit) from him, fine you because you painted your house a color that doesn’t meet with “community standards” or zoning regulations, etc.

How is it, then, that your neighbor—a regular person, just like anyone else—can win an “election” and suddenly gain the power to do these “illegal” and immoral things? If he didn’t have the power, before, and no one else possessed the rightful or moral authority to do these things either, how can that power come from the people? It can’t; therefore, it is illegitimate. You can’t give something away that you do not have—and men in powdered wigs didn’t have any right to simply write words on a piece of parchment and begin ruling present and future generations, either.

We have to admit mistakes and make the necessary corrections. Government and freedom cannot coexist, so a choice has to be made.

The Bible states:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other.”

Even the Declaration of Independence supports correction, stating “…whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends [Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it...”

The time has come to make a choice: Freedom, or institutionalized slavery, division and theft.

For me, the choice is obvious.

Which one will you choose?

Copyright 2009 Doug Kendall. All Rights reserved.


Word of the Day

Bipartisan: Republicans and Democrats have agreed to work together to screw you.


Michael Phelps and The Law

First of all, screw The Law. I have absolutely no respect for laws, their enslaving results and those who enforce them.

Second, Michael Phelps–the gold medalist swimmer–owns Michael Phelps. Senators don’t own him. The President doesn’t own him. His neighbors don’t own him. The newspapers don’t own him. Richland County (SC) Sheriff, Leon Lott, certainly doesn’t own him, either.

Michael Phelps owns Michael Phelps, exclusively, so Michael Phelps should be able to decide what Michael Phelps will do with–or put into–his body. If government owns his body, government can dictate what Michael can do with his body. If not, SHUT UP AND GET OFF HIS CASE about the picture of him looking as though he is taking a bong hit at a private college party.

I absolutely HATE drugs and alcohol, and I have never used either of them, but I believe in freedom and self-ownership. Sheriff Leon Lott just doesn’t want to let it go, unfortunately.

In my personal opinion, I feel that Mr. Lott is simply trying to make a name for himself on the national stage. What other reason can there be, because of all the time and trouble it will be to gather any kind of credible evidence upon which to build a case–all for misdemeanor charges?

Actually, Mr. Lott is making a name for himself, in certain circles, but not the kind of name he wants.

Sheriff Lott has been on TV and radio saying he wants to get tough on “crackheads” and other local issues, so it’s no surprise to me that he is now on this ridiculous campaign against Michael Phelps.

Apparently, we’ve put an end to rape, murder, theft and other such crimes, since Mr. Lott’s department is putting so much time and effort into chasing a celebrity who allegedly smoked something in a pipe that hasn’t received the government’s official stamp of approval.

This country has become a nation of self-righteous busybodies, and it’s this busybody quality that has led us down the road away from freedom toward totalitarianism, with more laws, jails, rules, ordinances, regulations, codes, permits, licenses, taxes, fees, fines, etc.

Freedom is the one thing that you have to give to others in order to be sure you can have it for yourself. With that in mind, be sure to make a contribution, today and everyday.


Company Boycotts

Today, radio talk show host, Glenn Beck, reported that Sharp electronics started a “social responsibility” program, back in October 2008, to educate students in elementary schools about global warming and solar power. Apparently, the “social responsibility” part is advertising and brand identification disguised as “green” thinking.

Any company who would sell our children–and country–down the river of enviro-communism, in order to increase their bottom line, will NEVER again get my business.

In my opinion, they’re helping to indoctrinate young children (remember Lenin?) in enviro-communism, whether or not they even realize exactly what they’re doing, in order to hopefully cultivate a new generation who will be more interested in “green” technologies–such as Sharp’s solar panel products. I’m willing to bet that not one single child in any of those classrooms has enough money to buy solar panels for a house, so in my mind there is no doubt about indoctrination, for the future.

Don’t misunderstand me; there’s nothing wrong with using “green” technology. The problem comes when a generation of children–with no idea of what’s really going on–has been purposely indoctrinated with “green” ideas, because it then becomes much easier, when they are adults, for government to institute laws and ordinances that destroy private property and wealth, all in the name of the “environment.” Getting children used to being “green,” at an early age, is necessary for this type of transformation to take place in the country–and world–and it’s already happening, rapidly.

The United Nations stated, in 1976, that property should not be held as a “private resource,” and the Communist Manifesto states that government will have to get control of natural resources, remove all distinction between the town and country and redistribute people equitably across the land, so this is what you’re getting–and they will do it, in large part, by getting to your children.

So, Sharp is another company I will add to the list of businesses that I boycott (for various reasons):

Bank of America, GE (General Electric, parent company of NBC), SC Johnson (and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), e-surance, Safe Auto insurance, Disney (parent company of ABC), Sharp.